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Home / Posts tagged "Extramet"

EXTRAMET a dragon of Freiburg’s economy

EXTRAMET a dragon of Freiburg’s economy

EXTRAMET, as one of the flagship companies in the canton, was selected by the Fribourg Economic Development Agency to promote the industry and econimy location.
Did you know that the business world is full of fantastic creatures? California and China are full of unicorns. And in our climes? Well, in Freiburg we have dragons!
Find out more about it…


From carbide to digitised aircraft production

From carbide to digitised aircraft production

A decisive cornerstone for the development of digitised aircraft assembly is tungsten carbide. Thus, scientists at TUHH Germany, in cooperation with a competent network, succeeded in taking a major step towards error-free and efficient aircraft production.

More details (available in german)

The basis for this development was the project on high-performance CFRP machining with diamond-coated carbide drilling- and milling tools. (available in german)

Demonstration of a semi-automatic machine in intelligent assembly environment.
Source: IPMT Hamburg